At this difficult time we are all following government advice and taking steps to reduce our risk of contracting coronavirus infection. The NHS is under tremendous pressure in dealing with critically ill patients and this inevitably impacts on provision of other NHS services such as treatment of acute eye disease. It therefore important to take steps to protect your eyes and avoid the need to attend the emergency eye unit.
So please do your bit to help the NHS by taking care of yourself and protecting your eyes, particularly if you wear contact lenses.
Think about eye protection if you are gardening or doing any DIY jobs that might lead to eye injury
If you are a contact lens wearer:
Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses
Pay careful attention to contact lens and storage-case hygiene – always follow correct cleaning and disinfecting procedures – always use fresh solution – keep your storage case clean by wiping the case with a tissue and leaving it to air dry
Do not allow tap water to contaminate your lenses
Do not over-wear or sleep in your lenses
Remove your lenses if your eyes become red or uncomfortable
Do not wear your lenses if you are unwell
Please stay safe and healthy